Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Capitalism, a love story

Just finally got around to watching "the right's" (who should be known as "The Wrong") Great-Satan the one-and-only Michael Moore's Capitalism, a Love Story.  A very important movie that should be viewed by anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together. Oh it's definitely -not- a joy to watch, very much the opposite. Very sad to see the things that have been done to so many decent people (by no fault of theirs) by a small number of the absolute scum-of-the-earth. And of course "the wrong" continue preaching their mad-evil laissez-faire style capitalism that destroys the country they claim so fervently to love and worship (though it's clear their true worship is none other then old Mammon himself). After their precious trickle-down has proven itself over the decades as false (gotta love that, "trickle down", so very true to "the wrong", image of the rich pissing on... well everyone else... you know, the masses, the american people, and the people of the world as a whole). Well as long as the 1% gets it's money!, and remains safely enthroned in power for eternity-amen! That's all that really matters.

If this, what we have today in america, is the beauty and wonder of capitalism, then bring on the Socialism! Or at least some decent Social-Democracy like they have in those sane European countries (the ones that terrify "the wrong" so desperately)! Places where the real citizens have actual health care for instance, not just the few. Where there's a real safety net for the people.