Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In the beginning...

I started writing this on July 4th. A fairly important holiday for the US citizens, characterized by fireworks and food (American holidays are pretty much always about food... Unhealthy food, in huge amounts. But I'll get to that another day!) A not un-auspicious date to comment on the state of politics and the country as a whole.

Before I start let me state for the record, I am not registered to either political party (god forbid we should have a viable 3rd, or even 4th party). I am registered to vote as Independent. That being said I definitely lean in my political philosophy toward Liberal sanity (don't even get me started on these new "Conservative Democrats", Faustian sell-souls, and nothing but). My feelings toward our wonderful 2 parties (The Democrats party of no ideas, and the Republicans the party of bad ideas), was summed up perfectly by Lewis Black who said "A Republican stands up in congress and says 'I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!!' and a Democrat stands up after him and says 'AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!!'"

Now onto the state of the country! Lets see, the economy is in shambles, and we're in how many countries fighting... I think I've lost track! There's a seemingly endless ongoing issue with oil gushing (that word doesn't really do it justice) into the ocean (anyone think they're ever going to do anything about this!?).

Ok enough for now! This is starting to depress me! And I need to check on my plants, I have a groundhog, he's eating my plants and I have no solution (yet). The thing is he's (or her, no idea) so damn cute, you just don't want to hurt the little s.o.b.

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