Monday, July 12, 2010

Rain! Finally!

Finally some rain today here in Harrisburg! Although it hasn't been enough, still anything is better then nothing! Unfortunately not enough rain to encourage the worms out onto the road, I really need worms for my composter. Temperature was pretty nice, only the humidity made it unpleasant. Didn't manage to get very much done outside. Gardening/landscaping is a really good hobby, very satisfying, highly recommended! And hey improving the property value isn't a bad thing. I do however find myself consumed with the desperate desire to have the nicest yard in the neighborhood, this might not be a good thing... I think there's only 1, maybe 2 in the neighborhood that are definite challengers (Damn them! I must crush them! - See them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women!).

Had the wind come up, knock over a terracotta pot with a "Mandevilla" (Alice Dupont) in it so off to the (really nice) Highland Gardens garden center (I recommend them in Harrisburg, really great place) to get a replacement (and yes of course a few other things...)! Plus a new bigger bamboo trellis for it to grow on. Ended up with a replacement Bamboo (another Fargesia Robusta) to replace the one I may well have killed by watering (Who would have known!? The tag didn't tell me, nor did I see anything on any site I'd checked... Word of warning, don't water your Fargesia Robusta clumping bamboo more then 1 time every week or 2!).

Tomorrow whole day stuck out in the "coal-region". A work thing. I don't want to even talk about it. Oh well, sounds like it's going to be too hot and humid to do the yard work I'd like to be doing anyway...

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